Fall 2021
This quarter, I will be teaching Math 32A (Calculus of Several Variables) and Math 32AH (Calculus of Several Variables, Honors).
If you are interested in taking 32AH, you should send me an email. You are welcome to attend lectures as a guest before the add/drop deadline, and you should also talk to me before/after class to be added to the course Canvas page.
Math 32A: Calculus of Several Variables
You can find the course syllabus here.
Course Description:
How can we describe the physical world mathematically? What changes, and what stays the same when we move from single variable calculus to multivariable calculus? What does it mean to take a derivative of a multivariable function?
Multivariable calculus is the mathematical language that allows us to describe the geometry of the physical world around us, such as the motion of planets in orbit, the behavior of electromagnetic forces, or the path of steepest ascent through the hills of Los Angeles.
In this course, you will develop the reasoning and questioning skills needed to explore these geometric concepts and apply them to real-life situations. Moreover, you will become fluent in communicating your ideas through the mathematical language of multivariable calculus.
Math 32AH: Calculus of Several Variables, Honors
You can find the course syllabus here.
You can view the course lecture notes for 32AH here.
How can we describe the physical world mathematically? What changes, and what stays the same when we move from single variable calculus to multivariable calculus? What does it mean to take a derivative of a multivariable function?
Multivariable calculus is the mathematical language that allows us to describe the geometry of the physical world around us, such as the motion of planets in orbit, the behavior of electromagnetic forces, or the path of steepest ascent through the hills of Los Angeles. In this course, you will develop the reasoning and questioning skills needed to explore these geometric concepts and apply them to real-life situations. Moreover, you will become fluent in communicating your ideas through the mathematical language of multivariable calculus.
The course 32AH differs from 32A in that it covers the topics of multivariable calculus with more mathematical rigor. Moreover, it builds the foundation for more advanced topics, such as linear algebra, real analysis, and differential geometry.
This course is recommended for students interested in learning about advanced mathematics.